Marketing Courses in UK

Engineering in UK


In a business environment that is continuously changing, marketing presents a wide range of distinctive and difficult problems to solve. To stay in business and expand, a company needs to sell products, and the marketing department determines how best to do this by analyzing and meeting the needs of the target market. Throughout your degree, planning, pricing, trend analysis, advertising, and promotion will all be covered in detail.

Pursuing marketing courses in UK can lead to opportunities for networking and the acquisition of transferable skills that apply to various business domains. Students will also gain presentation and communication skills and improve their ability to question and analyze. E-business management, digital marketing, strategic brand management, and customer understanding are among the modules that will be covered.

Almost all marketing courses at UK universities offer a work placement to provide students with practical experience in a busy marketing department. Additionally, many degrees can be studied as joint honors alongside other subjects of interest. Different scholarships are available for students who want to pursue marketing course in UK.

Digital marketing has also become another trending and preferred course by students. The digital marketing courses in the UK are designed and instructed by professionals of the field. Students who want to work in analytics, consumer behavior, social media marketing, or digital planning should get a degree in digital marketing.

Marketing Degree Types

If you want to learn more about the marketing degree types, you can consult with WayUp Abroad. The leaders of the market have the world’s finest consultants who can help students to achieve their goals. Now pursue the best marketing degree UK with assistance from WayUp Abroad.

Bachelor of Marketing

The bachelor's degree focuses on fundamentals and theories of branding, advertising, and marketing. The curriculum is designed to bring up a core understanding of the marketing elements and define some successful aspects of marketing.

Masters in Marketing

The post-graduation degree supports the learning of advanced marketing concepts and strategies. This gives students to excel in their careers and brings up a deeper insight of marketing theories and practices.

The master's in marketing supports getting a deep knowledge of analytics, critical thinking, and communication skills that are needed for a senior marketing position. A person with a post-graduation in marketing can excel in a career in public relations, advertising, and other fields.

PhD in Marketing

The Ph.D. in marketing enables you to learn more advanced things in marketing and gain expertise in the field. This learning covers broad topics like understanding of consumer behavior in business, marketing strategies, and how to use data for better decisions.

Marketing Course Duration

The marketing degree takes three years to complete which starts with fundamentals of the marketing in first year, and modules in the second second year, and third year enabling you to choose your preferred career stream. The students are going to be evaluated through essays, reports, individual projects, and placements.

Marketing Course Fees

The tuition fee for the international students for marketing is £14,500 to £23,000 per year. This fee is influenced by other factors too like university ranking, location, and reputation at the global level.

The cost of Lancaster University’s Marketing BSc (Hons) degree is £22,650 per year and its courses are ranked as #1 in the world. The #3 (University of Derby) course of Marketing BA (Hons) fee is £14,900 per year.

Here are the top universities with their fee:

  • Lancaster University - £22,650
  • University of Stirling - £16,400
  • University of Derby - £14,900
  • University of Southampton - £20,340
  • City, University of London - £22,000

Graduate Marketing Careers

Once you learn the marketing, you can explore your career in the following stream:

  • Marketing coordinator
  • Marketing assistant
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Public Relation Specialist
  • Brand Manager
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Marketing Research Analyst

For more marketing careers, you can ring or write to WayUp Abroad. The consultants will help you to define more opportunities specially designed for you.

Average Salary for Marketing Professionals

On average the marketing professionals earn £31,000 to £45,000 per year but it also depends on the job title and experience.

Graduate Employability Rate for a Marketing Degree

The highest employability rate for a marketing degree belongs to these five universities:

  • Lancaster University
  • University of Reading
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Newcastle
  • Sheffield Hallam University

Marketing UK Entry Requirements

You have to score 30 points in the International Baccalaureate and requires a 6.0 score in IELTS.

Where can I study Marketing in the UK?

If you want to learn and explore the best marketing courses UK, here are the leading universities that you should know:

  • University of London
  • University of Plymouth
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Derby
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Liverpool
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • University of Stirling
  • Sheffield Hallam University

Studying marketing in the UK

Marketing courses in the UK bring up diversified opportunities. If you want to gather more information, just connect with WayUp Abroad Consultants today.


Pursuing marketing without an MBA. Is it possible?

Yes, you can do marketing courses without any prior degree.

Why should I go with marketing courses in UK?

Marketing will hand you various skills like networking, problem-solving, analysis, and many more. You can learn so many things with marketing courses in the UK.

Is digital marketing profitable or not?

Yes, learning digital marketing helps you excel in your limits and reach new heights.

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