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IELTS Practice General Training Writing Test - Task 2

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IELTS Practice General Training Writing Test - Task 2

This section can be categorised as the second section of the IELTS General Training Writing test. As discussed above, examinees should try to finish it within 40 minutes and need to write minimum of 250 words along with providing references. 

Task 2

Let’s move forward and now take a look at an essay writing topic:

Some people think that governments should enhance sports facilities in order to enhance fitness standards of common citizens whereas others think that some more alternatives need to be undertaken to fulfill this purpose. Discuss both reasons and give your opinion including relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

So, this is the end of the writing section. At the end, after writing it’s important to edit your document so that you can amend some of the common punctuation and spelling mistakes. 

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