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IELTS Band Scores: How They are Calculated

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IELTS Band Scores: How They are Calculated

IELTS is one of the premium examinations that any candidate aiming to study or work in English-speaking countries needs to prosper in. This blog gives in-depth information regarding how IELTS band scores are calculated and it's quite important for candidates to understand various requirements related to their target score.

How IELTS Band Scores are Calculated?

The IELTS examination gives scores in the range of 0 and 9. All four skills constituting of listening, reading, speaking and writing are given specific band scores apart from an overall band score. Further, a candidate can even receive a 0.5 score too ( such as 6.5 or 7.5) and in order to find out the overall score we have to find the average of all four skills. A table has been displayed below showcasing how different scores are listed and the overall bands are calculated. 

Listening Reading Writing Speaking Overall
9 8 7.5 7 8

The overall test scores are calculated to the nearest complete band score or rounded to the closest 0.5 bands. In order to find the overall score we add the scores of all four modules and divide it by 4. Let’s go through some examples to understand this further:

  • If the candidate's overall score is 7.10, this score will dive down to 7 as this is the closest band score. 
  • On the other hand, if an examinee’s score is 7.85, it will be rounded to 8 as it’s nearer 8 in comparison to 7.

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About Band Score

The blog is now all set to discuss various descriptions related to different bands and thus we will witness a detailed band score chart. 

1. IELTS Band Score 9, Skill Level - Expert user

The candidate showcases fully operational and appropriate command of the English language. He/she displays exhibits accuracy, fluency and thorough understanding.

2. IELTS Band Score 8, Skill Level - Very Good user

The test taker displays an amazing grasp of the language, occasionally displaying minor and unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. Although sometimes, they might misunderstand certain things in unfamiliar situations, they have the ability to handle complex and detailed argumentation in a well versed manner.

3. IELTS Band Score 7, Skill Level: Good user

The examinee possesses good proficiency in the language, but occasional inaccuracies, and inappropriate usage of words or, rare misunderstandings might occur in certain situations. Handling complex language well and understanding detailed reasoning are some advantages associated with such a person.

4. IELTS Band Score 6, Skill Level: Competent user

The test taker is considered to have quite an effective command of the language, although few inaccuracies, inappropriate usage, errors and misunderstandings remain.
However, such people have an ability to use and understand reasonably complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

5. IELTS Band Score 5, Skill Level: Modest user

The test taker is known to have partial command of the language and copes with overall meaning in most situations, but  are likely to make quite frequent errors.
They should be able to handle basic communication in common situations but complex language troubles them.

6. IELTS Band Score: 4 Skill Level: Limited

The candidate’s proficiency is confined to familiar situations, and the person might demonstrate frequent problems in understanding and expression of the language.

7. IELTS Band Score: 3 Skill Level: Extremely limited

The test taker is known to understand and comprehend simple meanings in quite familiar situations. Further, he might experience consistent breakdowns during communication.

8. IELTS Band Score: 2 Skill Level: Intermittent

The candidate faces huge problems in understanding spoken and written English.

9. IELTS Band Score: 1 Skill Level: Non-user

The test taker has no understanding of the language apart from few words.

Listening and Reading Band Scores

The listening and reading band scores of candidates are calculated on account of correct answers they provide out of 40 questions. There is no negative marking in IELTS marks aren’t deducted for wrong answers.

The marking is same for both General Training and Academic candidates regarding listening whereas it will vary in case of reading.

IELTS Listening Scores

Correct Answers Band Scores
39-40 9.0
37-38 8.5
35-36 8.0
32-34 7.5
30-31 7.0
26-29 6.5
23-25 6
18-22 5.5
16-17 5.0
13-15 4.5
11-12 4.0

IELTS Listening scores (Academic and GT) 

IELTS Academic Correct Answers  IELTS Score   IELTS General Correct Answers IELTS Score
39-40 9.0 40 9.0
37-38 8.5 39 8.5
35-36 8.0 37-38 8.0
33-34 7.5 36 7.5
30-32 7.0 34-35 7.0
27-29 6.5 32-33 6.5
23-26 6.0 30-31 6.0
19-22 5.5 27-29 5.5
15-18 5.0 23-26 5.0
13-14 4.5 19-22 4.5
10-12 4.0 15-18 4.0
8-9 3.5   12-14 3.5
6-7 3.0   9-11 3.0
4-5 2.5   6-8  

IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria

The IELTS writing has two tasks which are assessed on account of four criteria by examiners. Both academic and GT candidates are provided the same marking criteria and scoring related to task 2 and they need to write an essay in this task with a minimum of 250 words.

As far as writing task 1 matters, GT candidates need to write a letter, albeit Academic ones need to submit a report. For both these writings, a minimum of 150 words need to be written. Let us go through various criteria now:

  • Task Achievement (Task 1)     - The candidate needs to present accurate information. Further, he/she has to present an overview that should demonstrate important features and information. In the end, the data needs to support the writing.
  • Task Response (Task 2) - The task has to be answered by explaining the letter’s purpose. Further, the test taker has to address different requirements of the task. Apart from that, discussing major points is considered quite necessary, apart from developing them. Moreover, the writer needs to state a proper opinion and give a conclusion at the end of the essay.
  • Coherence and cohesion - Every paragraph is required to have a major idea while information and ideas need to be systematically organized. In addition to that, various sorts of linking devices need to be utilized.
  • Lexical resources - Utilisation of various sorts of words, paraphrasing, and collocations are essential to make the writing part more appealing. Perfect spelling and avoiding errors are some other advantages associated with this section.
  • Grammar range and accuracy - IELTS writing requires perfection and as a result, it's important to use a range of sentence structures apart from taking care of tenses, and subject-verb agreement among other essentials related to grammar. Nonetheless, the punctuations too need to be taken care of.

IELTS Speaking Assessment Criteria

Both the academic and general training candidates need to give the same speaking test in which they have to enter into a discussion with the examiner. The speaking section has three parts which will be discussed in the blog.

In the first part, the examiner will ask normal questions related to introduction, hometown, and general issues. As the second part arrives, it will constitute of a topic known as a cue card and examinees need to speak for two minutes regarding it. In the third part are follow-up questions to the second part.

Let us discuss the assessment criteria of the speaking section:

  • Fluency and coherence - A candidate needs to maintain a continuous speech, while speaking without any hesitation or pauses. The flow of speech should not be interrupted with functionless repetition of phrases, words and logical sequencing needs to be adhered to.
  • Lexical resources - Appropriate use of vocabulary, collocations (idiomatic expressions), and paraphrasing add a more dynamic range to the speaking section. Moreover, it’s highly important to do proper paraphrasing while neglecting errors.
  • Grammatical range and structure - This refers to the accurate use of a range of sentence structures and grammar-related tenses while minimizing the density of mistakes.
  • Pronunciation - It’s highy important for a candidate to use majestic range of phonological features in order to be understood by the examiner. Further, the proper use of stress and intonation are needed to improve meanings while one also needs to take care that accent should not have a negative effect on sentences. Perfect words and sound pronunciation have to be adhered to at all costs.

So, this was a thorough description of band scores and IELTS assessment criteria of different sections. If candidates pay proper attention to these factors, they will have majestic chances of success.

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