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Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - IELTS Cue Card

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In this blog, I am excited to delve into the topic of how to effectively respond to the IELTS Cue Card Question on "Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk A Lot." This particular cue card prompts you to think about someone in your life who is quite chatty and enjoys engaging in lengthy conversations. When tackling this question, it's important to choose a person who truly fits the bill - someone whose loquacious nature is unmistakable. Whether it be a friend, family member, or colleague, make sure you paint a vivid picture of their talkative tendencies and provide specific examples that showcase just how much they love expressing themselves through words. 

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How to Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot?

By honing in on key details and anecdotes that highlight their penchant for conversation, you'll be able to craft a compelling response that captivates your audience and demonstrates your proficiency in English language skills. So let's dive into effective strategies for tackling this cue card with confidence!

  • Describing a person you know who likes to talk a lot can be quite an interesting task on the IELTS Cue Card. To score a band of 7 or higher, it is crucial to provide detailed and vivid descriptions of this individual. 
  • Begin by introducing the person and establishing your relationship with them. Talk about their physical appearance, such as their expressive gestures or lively facial expressions when they speak. 
  • Discuss their personality traits that contribute to their chattiness, like being outgoing, sociable, or perhaps even slightly narcissistic. 
  • Share anecdotes or examples of times when this person's loquacious nature stood out, whether it be at social gatherings, in class discussions, or during family dinners.
  • Mention how others react to their constant talking - are they amused, annoyed, or simply resigned? Consider including any unique quirks or habits this person has while speaking excessively; maybe they tend to repeat themselves often or have a particular topic they always circle back to in conversations. 
  • Overall, paint a vibrant picture of this chatterbox individual that will captivate the examiner's attention and showcase your fluency in describing personalities effectively for the IELTS examiners' assessment purposes.

Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - Highlights

What You Need to Describe:

  • Who is the person?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What does he/she mostly talk about?
  • Why do you think this person is so talkative?

Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - Model 1


Among the many people I know who are quite chatty, none quite match the loquaciousness of my younger sister. Her rapid-fire speech and boundless energy make her stand out in any crowd, and she always has something to share on any topic imaginable.

Who is the person?

My younger sister Juhi is the individual I'm referring to. Despite her age, she possesses an impressive ability to engage in conversation and keep it flowing effortlessly.

How Do You Know Him/her?

As siblings, me and Juhi grown up together and shared countless experiences. Our close bond allows me to observe her communicative nature firsthand.

What Does He/she Mostly Talk About?

My sister Juhihas a knack for discussing a wide range of topics, from everyday occurrences to deep philosophical concepts. She's equally comfortable chatting about the latest trends in fashion as she is debating world issues or sharing anecdotes from her day.

Why Do You Think This Person is So Talkative?

Several factors contribute to Juhi’s talkative nature. Firstly, she possesses a naturally outgoing personality and thrives on social interactions. Secondly, her genuine curiosity about the world fuels her desire to engage in conversation and learn from others. Lastly, she finds joy in connecting with people through dialogue, making her a natural conversationalist in any setting.

Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot - Model 2

Communication is indeed a valuable trait, allowing individuals to express themselves and connect with others. While talking can be therapeutic, excessive chatter can sometimes become overwhelming for those around us. I'd like to discuss my niece, Tashu, who exemplifies this talkative nature.

Who is the Person?

Tashu, my niece, is the individual I'm referring to. Her effervescent personality and constant stream of conversation make her a memorable presence in any gathering.

How Do You Know Him/her?

As a family member, I've had the pleasure of knowing Tashu since she was a child. Over the years, I've witnessed firsthand her penchant for engaging in lively conversations on a variety of topics.

What Does He/she Mostly Talk About?

Tashu's conversations cover a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from her daily adventures and experiences to her opinions on current events and trends. She's equally adept at sharing humorous anecdotes, discussing her interests, or delving into deeper philosophical discussions.

Why Do You Think This Person is So Talkative?

Several factors contribute to Tashu's talkative nature. Firstly, she possesses an outgoing and sociable personality, thriving in social situations where she can interact with others. Secondly, her curiosity about the world around her drives her to seek out conversations and learn from different perspectives. Lastly, Tashu finds joy and fulfillment in connecting with people through dialogue, making her a natural conversationalist who enjoys sharing her thoughts and experiences with those around her.

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Follow-up Questions on Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot – IELTS Cue Card Test

Can You Say About Yourself That You Are a Talkative Person?

Yes, I consider myself a talkative person as I enjoy engaging in conversations and sharing my thoughts and experiences with others.

What Are Some Distance Modes of Communication?

Some distant modes of communication include email, messaging apps, video calls, social media platforms, and traditional letters.

Do You Like People Who Talk a Lot?

I appreciate people who strike a balance between listening and speaking, as excessive talking can sometimes overshadow meaningful interactions.

Did You Ever Snap at a Person Who Talks a Lot and Later Feels Bad About It?

Yes, there have been instances where I've snapped at someone who talks a lot, but I later regret it as I understand the importance of patience and empathy in communication.

Do You Think Indians Are Talkative?

Generally, Indians are known for their sociable nature and love for conversation, but talkativeness varies among individuals and isn't limited to any particular culture.


In the end, exploring strategies for effectively responding to the IELTS Cue Card Question on "Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk A Lot" offers valuable insights for test takers. By understanding how to structure their responses and provide detailed examples, candidates can enhance their speaking skills and achieve success in the exam.

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